Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Today is Tuesday/Monday

I remember teachers saying how they dreaded the days directly before a vacation. Well, I've decided that I dread the day directly after a vacation (even a mini-vacation.) I have to have better, more engaging activities! Otherwise, they hit the walls and I can't get them quiet for more than 5 seconds. It's not even always intentional noise. There is humming, there is muttered repetition of everything I say, there is chair scraping. Argh! I can't stand the chair scraping. I finally bought some tennis balls to slit and put on the bottoms of the feet of the chair. Discovery: slitting tennis balls is no easy job.

Also, I don't get to teach tomorrow. This week is going to FLY -- a four day week with only 3 days of teaching! I have a full-day DIBELS (it's a reading assessment) training tomorrow. At least it's a half day for my kids, because they will be with my assistant all day long. Poor Mrs. B--. Poor kids. She just doesn't do exactly what I ask her to do, and so I never really know how much is going to get done...

My mother and my sister visited this weekend. That was really nice. They are probably my two most favorite people in the world, even if I was grumpy with them and all worried about school. But I certainly didn't get enough done!


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