Monday, March 27, 2006

Say Your Name!

One of my amazing college roommates visited me this past weekend and came to school with me for most of the day today. She got to see a fairly typical day -- the kids were well-behaved-ish, but not to any extreme level. Later in the afternoon, my friend Lin (with whom I drove to insititute, who now teaches high school math) came for a little while also.

Some memorable moments:
(The spelling word was white.)
Mi' Hay': Who can give me a sentence using the word white?
A--: My teacher is white.

(When Lin walked in)
J--: Chinese!
Mi' Hay': This is Mr. Y--. He is Chinese... He's also American.
J--: (moving arms) Jackie Chan!
Mi' Hay': No.

Mi' Hay': Who can guess how many pennies are on this sheet?
R--: 90.
Mi' Hay': That's a good guess, but there are 100. Let's count...
(There were 90, I had forgotten a row on the worksheet.)

I had thought that having S-- there would make school better. I enjoyed having her there, but teaching was still teaching and still draining. She pointed out that I am hooked on caffeine (I drink black tea) and that I do in fact have a go-go-go job. I think nobody really takes you seriously when you say you have to be on 100% of the time, but you really do.

She also took pictures during our "spelling theater." This is a picture of J-- being the "tricky e" at the end of the word "like." He's slapping the i and saying, "Say your name!"


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