Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hi Again

Sorry for the delays in posting. This past weekend, I went out of town. Wow, it is so different in the real world. Actual buildings, well-maintained infrastructure... fantastic. On another note, don't fly Continental. They lose bags.


Today, during lunch, a little girl told me that the middle schoolers were talking about me. "They said you look like a white panda," she said. "But I think you is pretty." I thanked her, and commented that maybe they just mean I am white. "You don't even look white," she responded. Umm... I'm about the palest white person you could find. I guess that means pretty is out the window as well.


We are going to have penpals for the end of the year. One of my training group members from TFA Institute teaches a first/second grade split in Houston, TX. His class wrote us a wonderful letter and my little hellions are tickled pink to write back. We're goingto type the letters on the computers in the computer lab so that they are a little bit more legible (first graders reading other first grade writing is just asking for trouble.) However, typing is turning out to be a big hassle, because they have never done it before. I think it is worth the trouble, though. Got to start them on the computers young.


My principal is looking for a great teacher to teach 3rd grade math. I kind of want to ask for the job. I really do enjoy teaching math so much more than reading. However, whenever I start to think seriously about it, I think, but now I really know how to teach first grade so much better! I'm actually going to be an okay teacher next year... Besides which, Mr. R-- really wants a male teacher. He told me that the boys in our school are falling behind in math because they no longer consider it something that men need to know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

12:35 AM, August 09, 2006  

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