Monday, October 16, 2006

Bug Poems

I was about to go to bed and I opened my closet and interrupted a cockroach climbing on my laundry basket. This is only the second roach I've seen in this apartment, but any roaches are too many roaches. Unfortunately, they are extremely common in Mississippi. (Unlike in Massachusetts, they can survive outside all year round, so even if you get rid of them, they can just walk right on back in.)

I pretty much gave up poetry in middle school, but now I'm wide awake, so I wrote a poem about my cockroach experience. While I was thinking about bugs, I also wrote a poem about my ant experience (which I wrote about here earlier). Since I know these poems will make my mom laugh, I'm going to post them here.

Cockroach in my Closet
There’s a cockroach in my closet,
And it’s climbing on my clothes!
There’s a roach, and where there’s one
You know there must be droves.
Two weeks ago I saw one,
Belly-up, dead in the kitchen.
I hoped it was a loner ‘cause
I don’t want to be b*tchin’.
I don’t like those nasty creatures!
(I know, no one’s in awe.)
But a cockroach in the closet?
That should be against the law.

Ant Experience Limerick
My class, they were playing a game
And I was engaged in the same
‘Til I stepped on some ants
And they ran up my pants
And practically rendered me lame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did laugh angel face. Loud enough that the whole office had to come and enjoy it too.

10:35 AM, October 16, 2006  

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