Friday, August 05, 2005

Southerisms of the Day

Fittin' to: A deep South varient of "fixin' to," this means something like "I'm about to," as in "I'm fittin' to take a break."

Evening: Any time after lunch, as in, "Sometimes you'll have an evening plannin' time, see here on the schedule, from 1:30 to 2:00."

Conversate: To chat, as in, "Don't you be going and conversating with a parent in the hall. Send 'em [to] Mr. Robey's office."

Y'all: As in, "Y'all have heard of this one, haven't y'all?" Scarily enough, it's slipping into my vocabulary.

That said, I don't want to lose my own wicked awesome dialect. When I need a drink and the water bubbler won't cut it, I just gotta have a soda or perhaps a frappe. Then I throw the cup in the rubbish (no recycling here) and drive around the rotary for a while. Whew.


Blogger WordsSayNothing said...

You're making me believe that Bay Staters sound just as bad as Mississippians. Talk like normal people, damn you!!! ;)

1:01 PM, August 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't worry about saying 'y'all!' that's a very useful phrase that I wish would make its way into Eastern syntax - we have no workable equivalent!

11:06 AM, August 07, 2005  

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