Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Quotes of the Day

Two cute(?) quotes from today:

We were brainstorming words that rhyme with map.
Kid 1: "Cap."
Teacher: "Good. Cap rhymes with map. Anyone else?"
Kid 2: "Crap."
Teacher: "That is a rhyming word with map, but it's not a word we use in school. Anyone else?"

(This reminds me of a story about my little brother when he was in first grade. The teacher called home one day because G- had said "ass" when she had asked for a short-a word. Just like crap rhymes with map, ass is a short a word. Can you really get upset at them for that?)

We were taking our math pretest. One question has a group of stars and the students had to count how many stars and bubble in the number (the choices were 17, 27, or 37.)
Teacher: "C--, count the stars and mark how many there are."
C-- begins to fill in the bubble next to 37.
Teacher: "Did you count them?"
C--: "No, I just know."
(There were 27.)


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