Friday, August 05, 2005

Terror and Frustration

I have moved from "expectations" to "terror & frustrations." My classroom is not ready for Monday. I don't even have the rules nad consequences posted. I don't know where I will have the students put their homework or any supplies that they bring in.

Things that give me terror/frustration:

My principal
Terror: He asked to see my management plan. He says it is too wordy and complicated. (It's very TFA). He asked if I really wanted to try it. I said I did. He said, "Well, I guess we'll see how that works out." One of the other TFA teacherswho has already started school decided that he will make up the rules and consequences with his high school classes. Until that point, his consequences basically go 1. stern warning 2. principal's office for a paddling. I'm tryingt o have incremental consequences so that I can avoid the whole paddling thing.
Frustration: He said he's probably stay 3 hours late on Friday and maybe come in on Saturday. Friday, half an hour before the end of school, he told me he was not staying any extra time nor coming in on Saturday. I wasn't putting off the work for later, there's just so much to do and not enough time in my classroom.

My assistant
Terror: On the first day, just meeting her, because she is 52 and I am 22. Also, terror that I will not be using her skills effectively or that I will give her things to do that are beyond her skill level.
Frustration: She takes a very long time to do everything that I ask her to do.

Planning with others
Terror: There are two other first grade teachers, one who makes it clear that she is just subbing and she is retiring in a month and another who is as green as I am. Neither one likes to contribute to the planning. I don't know what first graders can do! It can't be all on my shoulders!
Frustration: It took so long ot plan, and I don't really know why. Hopefully it will become more efficient. Also, I don't like being tied down to this plan that we are sending home to parents. I know that it builds accountability, but what if I have to slow down because I'm not teaching effectively and it takes longer for kids to get it? Or what if I have to speed up because they do get it?

My own unpreparedness
Which I am going to try and remedy right now.


Blogger Paula C. said...

Everything will fall into place in due time. Your students are as "new" to the first grade as you are. Don't let others distract you from doing what you need and want to do.

6:31 PM, August 06, 2005  

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