Tuesday, January 31, 2006

An October Party

Since we filled up our marble jar (we take marbles out of the teacher jar and put them in the student jar when we save time, are on task, get compliments in the hallway, etc.) we get to make a wish. The first time we did this, I got some crazy wishes and we talked a lot about how it had to be a wish that Mi' Hay' could grant and it had to be a wish that the whole class could have (i.e. no motorcycles, no million dollars). So today when we tried to brainstorm, the ideas started off great:

A Valentine Party
A Popcorn-and-Movie Party
A Pizza Party

Then we got some "sure, kids, we'll write it on the board but DREAM ON" ideas:

A food fight
A dance party in the hall

Then C-- raised his hand. He is one of my regular-education students but I'm hoping he will be tested for special ed by the end of the year. "I think," he drawled, leaning back in his seat and rolling his eyes towards the ceiling, "we should have an October party."

"An October Party?" I asked, "It's going to be February tomorrow. Do you want an October party in February or do you want to wait until October?"

"Well," he answered, as though it was the smallest of details and I was boring him to death, "I guess you could call it a February Party if you want."


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