Thursday, July 20, 2006


Since school has not started, and in-service training (pre-school teacher school) has not started, and teachers are not even in their classrooms setting up yet, the only contact I have had with school news has been through the rumor mill.

Some is innocuous:
- The lead teacher for my grade got married over the summer.
- Another white teacher's daughter will not be in my class this year because she has been accepted to the white private school and her mother feels better about sending her there because of the other students, even though she herself works at the school.

Some is exciting:
- Although test scores are on lockdown, I heard 3rd- and 4th-hand rumors about the test scores in my district. The word is that they are good, especially at my school, and that Brooks might go from being a level 1 priority school (the worst) to a level 4 school (a solidly good school, since the rating is 1-5). The middle school evidently did pretty well also, and might move up to a level 3.

And some is disheartening:
- There was one "administrator" at my school last year who did not, in my opinion, do her job. I'm not exactly sure what her job entailed, but it included some watching children (she made them sit silently in front of Teletubbies), some newletter creation (she made a huge fiasco among my students' parents by messing up my class's honor roll because she didn't ask me and another teacher for a simple clarification), and some power of the press. Any time that something at the school could give her an excuse not to watch children, she took it and sent them back to their classrooms, stealing the precious little planning time teachers were afforded. This administrator was going to be moved into a more powerful position at my school for this year, but, according to the rumors, her salary was cut when she was promoted. So she found another job in the area and is now a PRINCIPAL in another elementary school. An unfortunate example of institutionalized mediocrity.

And some is about TFA:
- The new corps is evidently pretty wild. That'll be interesting, I think, and might liven up the social scene in the Delta a little.


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