Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Countdown Already

Today I was very tired since the past two nights I have gotten fewer than 6 hours of sleep combined. I know it's just barely Wednesday, but I'm already looking forward to the end of the week for three reasons:

1. Time to sleep. (Hello, three day weekend!)
2. I am going to find out my placement.*
3. Independence Day (really just the fireworks part)

I do adore my students, though. Even when I have to dicipline them. They're good kids. I got two hugs today, and at the end of the day one of the students who is very smart but often gets punished for not paying attention ended the day onthe top of the behavior chart and was very proud. I love seeing them invested in the management plan!

* Placement: finding out where I will be living and teaching in August. Some people have already found out. One friend is going to be a kindergarten teacher in Greenville (perfect for her), and the Delta girl in my collaborative got a call asking if she'd be interested in working at the KIPP Academy in Helena. KIPP is a type of charter school started by TFA alums that pushes kids even harder to succeed. KIPP Students and parents sign a pledge that they will do all their work, the day is extended, and there is school on Saturdays. It means extra work time for the teacher, so Rachel is weighing the benefits of being in a acheivement-oriented, well-run school with invested kids against having at least a little free time.


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